Everglades Tomato
Florida's Native Tomato
Growing Instructions
Florida's little tomato berry packs all the flavor of a full-sized beefsteak, fresh off the vine. For the Florida garden there is no hardier or more productive variety. This indeterminate tomato bush produces clusters of blueberry-sized tomatoes.
These plants flourish in Florida's sometimes extreme weather fluctuations. Whether its a deluge of rain or a sticky hot day, these hardy plants grow and produce through it all.
For the garden outside of Florida, these provide rare exotic tomato to add to the garden.
Start seeds inside or outside after the threat of frost has passed. In South Florida Seeds can be started at almost any time of the year. In Central and Northern Florida try to avoid starting seeds during the December-February period.

Culinary Uses
Use the Everglades Tomato the same way that any other tomato would be used. These little beauties have two primary culinary uses: Presentation and flavoring. Garnish salads, wraps, and drinks with the whole, fresh, tomato berries.
Cooking with the Everglades Tomato is really simple. Any recipe that calls for tomatoes, just add the whole Tomato Berries before cooking, no need to slice and dice. An Old Florida favorite is to add them whole to Omelets! Nothing beats that delicious combo.