Milk Thistle (Medicinal Herb) [30+ Seeds]


  • Medicinal herb that helps the body naturally support liver health.
  • Plant no deeper than 1/4″.
  • Can be grown year-round in the Florida Garden.
  • Every part of the plant is edible, except for the thorny needles.
  • Loaded with antioxidents. 

Only 3 left in stock


Tradition says that the origin of the Milk Thistle Herb comes directly from the Virgin Mary. She was nursing the new-born, baby Jesus, when a drop of her milk fell to the ground. On the spot where the droplet of milk fell, grew the first Milk Thistle Plant. Although this story cannot be verified, this medicinal herb, has proven itself to be a blessing from Heaven.

High in Antioxidents, bioflavonoids, and naturally occurring compounds that heal the liver, Milk Thistle is a superfood, in every sense of the word. Every part of the plant is edible, with the exception of the thorns that protect the plant’s stalk. The purple flower, the stalk and leaves (stripped of the thorny needles), and the roots may be eaten raw or cooked. Many people like to juice these items. The stripped stalk is a lot like celery. The flowers are a beautiful, healthy and delicious garnish to any salad.

The seed packet contains 50+ seeds. Plant seeds no deeper than 1/4″. Plant anytime in Florida. Container gardening is preferred because the plant will crowd out other plants in your herb garden.

Below are some links, discussing the health benefit of Milk Thistle:

This Website does not provide medical advice. Any statements made on our website have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We encourage you to do your own research.


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