A common problem that Florida growers sometimes face while growing cucumbers is, “the plant is producing flowers, but not producing cucumbers.” Believe it or not, there is a reason for this problem, and the solution is quite simple.
There are two types of flowers that cucumber plants will produce; male and female. Cucumber plants rely on pollinators, most commonly bees or butterflies, to take the pollen from the male flowers and deposit that pollen into the center of the female flowers. A problem arises if there are no pollinators to accomplish this task.
Solution: The solution to this problem is actially very simple. Pollinate the female flowers by hand. There are a couple of methods that can be used to hand pollinate.
One method that can be used is called the “hand pollination method.” To accomplish this, take something that has dry brissels or fabric (a toothbrush, the end of a dry paper towel, pipe cleaner, etc.) and rub it around inside of the male flower. The purpose is to make the pollen from inside of the male flower, stick to the end of the brissel or fabric tool. Once some pollen has become stuck to the end of the fabric or brissel tool, rub it around inside of the center of the female flower. This will pollinate the female flower, accomplishing what a pollinator (like a bee) would accomplish. The flower will be fertilized so that the cucumber can fruit, set, and ripen.
The other method is called the “flower removal method.” This method is very simple. Pull the male flower off of the the stem, from its base. Make sure to keep the entire male flower intact, most importantly, the inside. Rub the inner pistols of the male flower inside of the inner most part of the female flower. This will accomplish pollination. Multiple female flowers can be pollinated by one male flower. Discard the male flower, once the process is complete.
Identifying Male and Female Flowers: Female Flowers are the easisest to indentify because below the base of the flower grows what looks like a baby cucumber. In order for this cucumber to mature it must be fertilized. Another way to tell a Female Flower, is the lack of pistols in the flower’s center.
Male Flowers do not have a baby cucumber growing at their base. They also have pistols growing out of their center, which female flowers do not.
Below are Examples of a Male Cumber Flower and a Female Cucumber Flower

- Sumter Cucumber (40+ Seeds)Original price was: $2.99.$1.99Current price is: $1.99.
- Mexican Sour Gherkin [Mouse Melon] (80+ Seeds)Original price was: $9.99.$8.99Current price is: $8.99.
- West Indian Gherkin [Cucumber] (40+ Seeds)Original price was: $7.99.$3.99Current price is: $3.99.
- Pickling Cucumber (National) [40+ Seeds]Original price was: $2.99.$1.99Current price is: $1.99.
- Spacemaster Cucumber (40+ Seeds)Original price was: $2.49.$1.89Current price is: $1.89.
- Cucumber [Marketmore] (40+ Seeds)Original price was: $2.99.$1.89Current price is: $1.89.
Hi, I got my order yesterday. Thanks for being so prompt. My question: is the Spacemaster Cuke a bush or vining plant? Thanks,
Corinne, thank you for your question! It is a vining bush. It will grow best on a trellis or some kind of a stake.
Hi, thank you so much for putting out such helpful information specific to Florida! The problem I’ve always had with cucumbers is that the plant puts out an abundance of male flowers but not many female. What can I do to encourage female flowers?